01375 413680

October 2020

“ These sessions have really helped me to reflect and valuate my practice as a music teacher and has given me a new excitement for the subject"

"This training will help develop a more creative teaching practice - Doddinghurst Primary"

"Great training, well presented and very knowledgeable -
Purfleet Primary”


Sound Education


Model Music Curriculum




Music Improvement Development Advice Support

Thurrock Music Services offers music curriculum support to schools. MIDAS (Music Improvement Development Advice and Support) visits are offered at three levels:

BRONZE - Evaluation of current provision and a whole school training session on a highlighted area.

SILVER - Evaluation of current provision, a lesson observation and write-up and either team teaching or a whole school training session on a highlighted area

GOLD - Evaluation of current provision, an in-depth look at the current music curriculum, help to develop the curriculum, review of assessment procedures and a whole school training session on a highlighted area.

These visits are available for schools within and beyond the Thurrock boarders.

Thurrock Music Services (TMS) currently work with more than 90% of schools in Thurrock, as an Arts Council England funded music hub. In 2019 we produced new package offers for Thurrock schools, ranging from teacher consultation and Music curriculum support, to CPD and workshops for students.

Thurrock Music service understand that the needs of each school are unique and so offer a bespoke service. A highly skilled and experienced member of staff can help review your current curriculum and quality of teaching then give suggestions on how to develop your offer. There are lots of ways we can work with you to develop your curriculum music: lesson observations, team teaching, workshops and CPD. Cost range from £180 - £450 depending on the package you require.

For more information and details of costs please contact . . .


Thurrock Music Service
The Importance of Music

A National Plan for Music

[gov uk pdf]

Music has a power of forming the character and should therefore be introduced into the education of the young.

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, and life to everything… Without music, life would be an error.


[DfE pdf]




01375 413680
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