01375 413680

Thurrock Music Services
High House Production Park
Vellacott Close
RM19 1RJ

01375 413680

Admin Office
Opening times
by appointment
by appointment
by appointment

Please note. Currently the office is only accessible by appointment. If you need to attend the office please ring or e-mail to make an appointment.

Some admin and management work will continue to be undertaken offsite for the near future. Consequently we ask that for the moment no one visit the offices at High House unless an appointment has been previously arraged by e-mail.

We apologise for any inconvience caused.

Please check back here for status updates.





Please call 01375 413680 Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00

Your privacy

Your privacy and how we use pupil and personal information

Who we are:

We are Thurrock Music Service. We are the lead organisation of the Thurrock Music Education Hub. This privacy notice explains how we collect, store and use personal and pupil data. We, Thurrock Music Services, are the ‘data controller’ for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The categories of personal information that we collect, hold and share include:

Personal information of pupils such as name, address and date of birth

Personal information of parents such as name and address

Contact details and contact preferences of parents
Characteristics, such as pupil premium eligibility and special education needs of pupils
Pupil records relating to progress in instrumental and music lessons including results of our internal assessments and external examinations
Attendance information, such as sessions attended, number of absences and absence reasons
Safeguarding information
Details of any medical conditions

Why we collect this information

We use the pupil and personal data:

To support pupil learning
To monitor and report on pupil progress
To provide appropriate pastoral care, and to protect pupil welfare
To assess the quality and effectiveness of our Service
To contact parents directly regarding pupils progress, our services and any variation to our services
To comply with the law regarding data sharing
To help inform Arts Council England and the Department for Education (DfE) on the effectiveness of our Service

The lawful basis on which we use this information

We collect and use pupil and personal information on the basis of:

Contract; the processing is necessary for a contract we have with you
Vital interests; the processing is necessary to protect someone’s life
Legal obligation: the processing is necessary for us to comply with the law.
Public task; the processing is necessary to perform a task in the public interest or for official functions and the task has a clear basis in law.

On some occasions, we process personal information on the basis of consent – for example, in order to communicate directly with parents regarding our services or I order to take and use pupil images. In such instances, we will ask for consent when the use of personal data is optional. We will make this clear when we ask for consent and explain how consent can be withdrawn in the future.

Collecting pupil and personal information

Whilst the majority of personal information you provide to us is mandatory, some of it is provided to us on a voluntary basis. In order to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018, we will inform you whether you are required to provide certain pupil information or you have a choice in this.

We collect and obtain information from pupils, parents, carers, teachers and other professionals where relevant (e.g. social workers etc.).

Storing pupil and personal data

We hold personal data about pupils while they are attending our lessons or ensembles. We may also need to keep it beyond their involvement with our service if this is necessary in order to comply with our legal obligations.

We will only retain the personal data we collect for as long as is necessary. This will be to satisfy the purpose for which it has been collected in accordance with our data retention schedule. Please contact Thurrock Music Services admin if you would like clarification on our retention timescales.

Who we share pupil information with

We share pupil information with external agencies where the law requires us to do so, or where we have sought your permission. The agencies who we routinely share pupils information with include:

Schools that the pupil’s attend

The Department for Education via Arts Council England, where aggregated and summative data is required.

Why we share pupil information

We do not share information about our pupils with anyone without consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.

We share pupils’ data with Arts Council England and the Department for Education on a statutory basis. This data sharing underpins music hub funding and the delivery of the National Plan for Music Education.

Requesting access to your personal data

Under data protection legislation, parents and pupils have the right to request access to information about them that we hold. To make a request for your personal information, or be given access to your child’s educational record, contact the Thurrock Council Data Protection Officer on 01375 652592 or complete the subject access request form which is available online at: https://www.thurrock.gov.uk/information-about-you/subject-access-request

You also have the right to:

Object to the processing of personal data that is likely to cause, or is causing, damage or distress
Prevent processing for the purpose of direct marketing
Object to decisions being made by automated means
In certain circumstances, have inaccurate personal data rectified, blocked, erased or destroyed.

If you have a concern about the way we are collecting or using your personal data, we request you raise it with Thurrock Music Services in the first instance. Alternatively you can contact the Thurrock Council Data Protection Officer on the number above or the Information Commissioner’s Office at https://ico.org.uk/concerns















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