01375 413680

Thurrock Music Services
is the lead organisation in the Thurrock Music Education Hub

Music Education Hubs are groups of organisations - such as local authorities, schools, other hubs, art organisations, community or voluntary organisations - working together to create joined-up music education provision, respond to local need and fulfil the objectives of the Hub as set out in the National Plan for Music Education.

Thurrock Music Services


Thurrock Music Services

  Esther Farinde Head of Service
  Sharon Sparkes Music Centre co-ordinator
  ~vacancy~ Curriculum development and school engagement lead
  Tina Hathaway SEND / EDI Lead
  Esther Farinde Safeguarding Lead / DSL


Thurrock Music Service

2011 - The National Plan for Music Education
National Music Plan

2020 - A New National Plan for Music Education
New National Music Plan







01375 413680
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