01375 413680

Thurrock Music Services
High House Production Park
Vellacott Close
RM19 1RJ

01375 413680

Admin Office
Opening times
by appointment
by appointment
by appointment

Please note. Currently the office is only accessible by appointment. If you need to attend the office please ring or e-mail to make an appointment.

Some admin and management work will continue to be undertaken offsite for the near future. Consequently we ask that for the moment no one visit the offices at High House unless an appointment has been previously arraged by e-mail.

We apologise for any inconvience caused.

Please check back here for status updates.





Please call 01375 413680 Mon-Fri 09:00-17:00


Music Resources


The Royal Opera House Education:
Learning and Participation C19 link

BBC Music Education:
Simple-to-follow lessons and videos for pupils aged 4 to 14. C19 link
Classroom Resources C19 link
KS1 Music C19 link
KS2 Music C19 link
KS3 Music C19 link
School Radio: Primary MusicC19 link

About the BBC's 'Bring the Noise' project:
An enjoyment and appreciation of music is a special gift to give a child and from Autumn 2019 BBC Education will deliver an ambitious educational campaign called Bring the Noise, designed to inspire every child to become a musician and discover the joys of music-making. C19 link


The Detroit Symphony Orchestra Education:
Learning Resources C19 link


The San Francisco Symphony Orchestra Education:
Learning Resources C19 link

Making the future of music C19 link



Music education encompasses all sorts of learning and situations. Some of this musical learning goes on in the classroom in the form of weekly music lessons and at other times in the school structure, for example singing assemblies, nativity plays, celebrations, choirs, ukulele groups and throughout the extra curricular programme. Additionally, following a pledge from the then Secretary of State for Education, David Blunkett that ‘over time, all primary pupils who want to will be able to learn a musical instrument’ (DfES 2001:12), funding has been available for all children to have access to music tuition on a instrument or singing through a programme of whole-class instrumental or vocal tuition. Funding for this is distributed to Music Education Hubs across England.




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